Ever since we started our journey as an individual, jumping out of the mother’s lap and care ending up at the schools, we were expected to excel in examinations, academics and fetch great grades. Later in the colleges, we were expected to work on discipline, better grades and rankings to ace competitive entrance exams to grab successful jobs with hefty income. It doesn’t end here. After high paid jobs, we were or someday we will be expected to get settled in our lives with a decent partner and again have kids and the expectations goes on and on. But in this entire end-to-end process, what happens to our self-improvement and self-development? When we get tired and frustrated, it’s natural to get angry and irritated, feeling negative and broken. And there rises the expectance cycle reminding us to behave and behold our emotions, isn’t it? But, how can we do that, when we have never worked on that part of us, self-improvement or self-development.
No one notices about self-improvement and its importance in life. Living in such a huge practical world, people have forgotten the importance of self-awareness. People are conveniently busy in brushing off their shortcomings under the carpet, consistently declining to face the truth. And some people are even happy being ignorant. There’s no hiding from yourself. The more you run from and ignore the truth, the more you get trapped into it. Your unresolved emotions and shortcomings will someday get surfaced making you overwhelmed and devastated.
Self-improvement or self-development is an immutable process that assists you to evaluate your life goals, self-awareness and upskill you to attain and realize your potential. Learning never stops, and so does self-improvement. It is necessary to work and focus on our self-development in order to become the better versions of ourselves. Here are the reasons why and how self-improvement is important in life:
1. Improves our strengths and power
Self-improvement helps us in realizing our true strengths and potential. There are many flaws in us and we don’t have any knowledge about it and same for the strengths. When we work on self-development, we gradually identify the strengths and plus-points of ourselves, such as when we accept more tasks in life and access it with positivity, we give better productivity, which means we can excel under pressure and that is our strength.
- Introducing the real “us” to ourselves
Self-improvement makes everything crystal clear to us but on an intellectual level. We identify our flaws, potential, fear, acceptance, thoughts, emotions and much more. Hence, we get a clear picture of ourselves thus understanding ourselves better.
- Assess our flaws and weaknesses
When we work on self-improvement, we develop certain positive motivational tools that includes focus, happiness, satisfaction, forgiveness, gratitude and many more. These tools actually help us identifying our flaws that we already have and need to work on. We get to know our fear, our hesitation, confusion point and imperfections that hold us from achieving our goals.
- Drags us out of comfort zone
While talking about importance of self-improvement in life, how can we skip our unemotional behavior. Every person loves his own comfort zone, an no one likes perimeter breach, vice versa. Living in our comfort zones, makes us quite ignorant, less careful, unfocused and less motivational. But self-improvement helps us to drag us out of it to make us realize that we can excel our lives in worst situations with ultimate positivity.
- Enabling positive thinking
Life is full of ups and downs and when it’s a downfall felling low and negative is completely natural. But positivity helps us to get up and keep going. Hence, when we improve ourselves on an intellectual level, we boost positivity inside us and attract positive energy too.
- Enhancing self-motivation
Self-improvement significantly enhances self-motivation. A new better version of you when emerges out of you, all you feel is energy with positivity and self-motivated. Your self-motivation reaches to its peak, making you self-confident and determined to achieve impossible goals in your life.
- Improves mental health
With all improved self-awareness, positivity and self-motivation, you feel relaxed, content and stress-free. Stress and anxiety can lead to depression creating self-doubts and low self-esteem. But, with stress gone, your mental health improves and you feel happy, determined and focused.
- Encourages self-love
Loving yourself and admiring your real nature is very important when you are self-motivated and working towards self-development. The importance of self-improvement in our lives has different aspects but the most crucial one is self-love. Self-development is directly proportional to self-love. You respect yourself, you enhance your self-confidence, boost self-dignity and become happy with your achievements and hard work.
- Improves emotional health
Emotional health is the integral part of our lives. Emotions rise when we feel love, sympathy, affection, anger, envy, gratitude, hatred and sad towards a person or the actions related to them. Hence, involvement of another or more persons in your life causing stimulations of emotions is called a relationship. When we work our self-improvement, we work on our emotional health too which makes us realize the importance of relationships. We get a good control over our emotions and emotional health that affects our relationships, even improve our relationships that were previously broken or complicated.
- Helps in better accountability
Accountability is important in one’s life where he takes control of his/her life to make better decisions and plans. A person with higher self-motivation and self-esteem with zero accountability is a person with zero action and outcome. Better decision making is important in life because that helps in making and executing plans to achieve our goals.
- Upskills sense of purpose and clarity to life
Self-improvement teaches us the real purpose of our lives by giving a picture of clarity to our actions, emotions, thoughts and assessments. People think achieving goals is the end of the line in self-improvement and self-development. But the truth is, making people realize the importance of achieving goal, importance of hard work and diligence and the reason of living life with positivity.